In House Bushfire Attack Level Assessment?
A BAL not only helps identify bushfire risk, but also identifies specific construction standards required to improve the performance of buildings subjected to bushfire attack (construction standards listed in AS3959-2018).
Certain Local Governments may not approve a development or subdivision if your BAL is deemed ‘too high’ (eg. BAL-40 or BAL-FZ), so understanding your building or sites BAL is very important.
Certain Local Governments may not approve a development or subdivision if your BAL is deemed ‘too high’ (eg. BAL-40 or BAL-FZ), so understanding your building or sites BAL is very important.
Active have an in-house BAL reports expert, who does BAL reports for South East Queensland. We offer a Professional, Fast and cost-effective service.
Active assess your BAL by a combination of:
Active assess your BAL by a combination of:
- A site inspection.
- An analysis of state and local council mapping and planning regulations and your site plans for the proposed building., with the information gathered we will produce a BAL report and certificate to be used for you build.
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